$25.00 Jungle Safari
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The Purpose/Vision
This is a four week curriculum based on exploring how we can find God within everything, everybody and within every experience. This curriculum uses a vacation Bible school format which has the children rotating through a variety of experiences for the hour.

The teachers also have a chance to experience something new. Instead of staying with one class for the entire hour and experiencing all of the activities, the teachers are invited to choose one rotation activity, for example - “Storyteller” - and share that experience with each of the class groups.

This program is easily adapted for large or small programs. The children are divided into “Safari” crews of not more than 10. The program comes with materials for 4 groups of 10 but other groups could easily be added for larger attendance. If you have a small attendance you would just use one or two of the Safari Crews.

Also included is a CD with additional activities.
Children ages 5 to 10
To order curriculum, click here
To view scope & sequence,
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